I also made more simple ones, again with an envelope back:

Here's how I made the quilted cushion.
I worked out the size of my squares (ie 4") and worked backwards from there cutting each strip different widths but when sewn together equaled 4" by 4".

Once the nine squares are sewn together and squared off, I cut strips of white cotton 2" by 4" and stitched between each block.

Then once the row was done, cut a long strip 2" wide and sewed by row onto this

Then do two long 2" strips down the side (once you cut the ends past the top to 2" as well)

Next iron on fusible webbing and quilt. I did 1/4" vertical lines.

Iron the long edges under twice, and stitch.

Turn inside out and you are done!
I am not just waiting to find a cushion to put in it!
Until next time, Melissa